Thursday, September 1, 2011

Shut up Brain!!

Today was delightfully different from yesterday because I didn’t have to go into work…ahh the luxury. I took full advantage of the day by not setting an alarm, getting out of bed at a ridiculous hour, taking a bath and going to the Aveda conept salon Spa Chakra, an amazing and wonderful place. I finally got to use the gift certificate my mom got me for my Birthday for a 90 minute massage. It wasn’t a spa visit just for luxury, I had muscle knots in my neck, back and feet so intense I was turning into a hobble footed hunchback. The masseuse really had to work me out, I could hear her breathing heavily putting those elbows into my shoulder blades, she got a good tip. She was incredible! Before I went to my appointment I hit a bowl and popped a super duper extra strength Tylenol so I could be sure to fully relax. Unfortunately this did not entirely work, although my body was melting like butter to her powerful yet gentle touch I couldn’t shut my damn brain up. I was racing with the most random and ridiculous thoughts as the music played ocean sounds against gentle piano. If I could show a visual representation of my thoughts this would be it:

Gentle sunsets are usually soothing
A magical otherworld. 
Petting a unicorn in an enchanted forest is always

A gentle waterfall is usually relaxing unless you have
a full bladder

Then I started to drift into thoughts of simple precious
things like baby bunnies and then it progressively
got weirder. 

And transitioned into this...
I hate hot dogs. Especially dancing ones.

Rude and obnoxious emoticons would just
shove their way into my thoughts.
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Spongebob is less annoying
when he's blazed but I still
can't stand the little bastard
or the people who wear him
on their clothing.

I don't know why you can't relax???!!

 Of course just as I had brought my mind to a quiet lull and was focusing all my energy into the healing process taking place my time was up, I had to get dressed and go back out into the harsh light of the everyday world.

I met up with Thinmint feeling high as a kite, with a whole new body one that could actually move and stretch with ease instead of the usual arthritic old womanly creaking and straining it usually has. We went on another lunch date over Thai food, it’s highly likely we’ll both die premature deaths due to MSG poisoning since we can’t stop eating it 3-5 times a week. After a satisfying meal and lengthy girl talk we went back to my apartment to become one with the couch. Again we repeated the scene of the previous night with the BF, hitting the vape and watching comedy. This time a Louis C.K. stand up special and a horribly disappointing SNL featuring Miley Cyrus.

My brain is finally dead and will hopefully not perk up when I hit the pillow. To be sure it doesn’t I’m going to throw on my favorite podcast Meditation Oasis with Mary Madox. I recommend it to anyone who enjoys a soothing voice that can transport them to another realm of consciousness and relaxation. If you’re not comfortable with that sort of thing it’s your own problem. But for those of you who value deep rest and spiritual enlightenment go find it on itunes. 

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