Wednesday, December 28, 2011

So during this month of unemployment our cable [which is provided by EVIL Comcast who would most likely steal money out of your wallet while you lay bleeding out in the middle of the street...] was turned off, which also includes our internet. SO, we've had to get creative with our fun and tap in to some old school interests...this has meant:
-playing lot's of video games including on our super old school Nintendo System. I'm no gamer but those old graphics were just the fucking worst. Great at the time, because we had nothing to compare them to....well except for like Atari but that's not really comparable. Now I find myself looking for Kim Kardashian in the crowds at Video Game Basketball Games- formerly searched for her watching Kris Humphries, now just search for her searching for her next "husband"

-playing actual board games including but not limited to Scrabble

-reading ACTUAL physical books, the kind where you turn the pages; although I still managed to see "Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" in theaters before reading it. I'll still read it. It was fucking great.

-staring at the wall, listening to itunes instead of the endless possbilities of Youtube or Pandora

-borrowing DVDs which means watching a LOT of movies that are over 10 years old, that people don't give a fuck about lending out. It also leads me to taking a lot of mental notes on actors that I haven't seen in the past ten years to IMDB them and see what the fuck is going on. [BTW I was not aware of the fact that Janeane Garofalo had played a voice in Ratatouille, also she has some upcoming projects]

When is the last time you saw this classic film? Me- last week.

You'll be seeing her again in 2012, although how could she ever top Heather Mooney?

- And restaurants that provide Internet- one lesson learned during Finals week: It is much easier to access internet at McDonald's than on my school Campus. This is a real shame and an example of what's wrong with America.

- Oh and hanging out with friends, cooking for ourselves instead of ordering off of I did find a pizza place that delivers at 3am! This place is a real gem. My order included pizza, french fries and a Twix bar. Not all for just so happened that my dinner mates passed out before it arrived.

Currently I am at a Thai Restaurant up the street from my Apt. which I assumed would be super dead seeing as how it's a Wednesday night, which lead me to do very little with my greasy hair or tired ass face. Alas, no it is not dead. In fact there is a group of about 15 super well put together Middle Eastern women and their dates out having a big get together and practically every table is full. I am the only one on a computer.

There are several negatives to using Wi-fi outside of your house:

- Not being able to sit around in your undergarments

Not apropriate for public.

- Not being able to watch porn or other offensive materials, unless you're a huge perv and are extremely inconsiderate.

- Feeling like you have to to order something every 45 minutes and/or leave an excessive tip for a cup of coffee because you feel like you're over staying your welcome.

But here is the one POSITIVE (if you can't find your stupid fucking headphones) you get to listen to lots and lots of Lite Rock, Top 40 Pop and R&B guilt free...because you don't have a choice! For instance I have heard several Kelly Clarkson songs over the past month without any of my own doing!

Be super jealous. Or just download it and keep it on a secret playlist. You know you've been missing hearing "Since You've Been Gone"

Good 'ol Kel Clark. When I was having a low self-esteem day my Grandma told me that I was prettier than her. That's what Grandmas are for. Sort of okay compliments that make you feel sort of okay about yourself. Delivered in really sweet and well meant ways.

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