She's super intreuged with the Leaky Faucet... I was super entertained by the preciousness of this! |
So as usual I got up and got dressed in my (practically) everyday somber but sexy all black and grabbed my fairly regular "OH SHIT I HAVE 5 MINUTES TO GET TO WORK AND ITS 7 BLOCKS!!" cab for $5 and arrived just within the grace period for my closing shift. Again there was the silver lining of no manager which means that all us associates go into Animal House mode and bullshit around at our own leisure [this is an overexaggeration for practically everyone but myself, I do go into that mode. Pretty much everyone else keeps it professional]. I allotted myself about twenty 45 minute breaks throughout the day.
The first one was a trip to Starbuck's, not the one on the corner right outside my work but instead the one on the corner about two blocks down to meet the boyfriend, who had to pass the other two closest to his work to meet at the half way point. If there is anything this city is NOT lacking it's Starbucks and Walgreen's. Apparently we thrive off of over priced cups of coffee and easily accessible toiletries. And although both of these stores offer practically the exact same product at all of their locations there are of course subtle differences depending on their respective locations. For example the Starbuck's we met at today does not have the weird old man who does flight simulations on his lap top all day or the secret gay porn star barista like my regular corner starbuck's does.
Nevertheless they had the same decent croissants and tea and hot chocolate to sit down and enjoy. Over our mid morning eats I had to share the mind opening information I had learned via a documentary in my English class the previous night...we are going to die slow, terrible deaths if we don't get college degrees and start making lots of money. Yes this is what I had learned the previous evening! The documentary had focused on the correlation of health and wealth in the United States. Basically if you are the CEO of a company you're going to have access to vacation time, medical leave for recuperation, better health care, less stress about finances and there's nobody to boss you around and make your life a living hell because that's YOUR job...and if you're the janitor of this company you're shit out of luck. You're going to clean up shit stains, be treated like a shit stain, feel like a shit stain and then die of a heart attack. This was a wake up call that the boyfriend and I need to get on our grind because we ARE the shit stains and we don't want to die 10 years prematurely because of that, we need to be our own bosses and make enough money so that when our hearts fail us because we had one too many cheeseburgers or didn't leave the couch for 3 years we can pay some surgeon to put a robot heart in us and keep on kickin'. We ended the Starbuck's date in agreement that we would stay on top of our shit as much as possible over the next few years while devising a plan to become these elusive CEO's of an unknown business/ wait to win the lottery (not sure how we will since we never buy tickets but that's a minor detail).
...If you want it to be explained in a more intelligent way here is the website for the actual docu. UNNATURAL CAUSES
Later in the day I took my actually legal lunch break and went to Chipotle with a whole crew of gal pals (and one male pal). I had the pleasure of consuming thousands of calories while chit chatting with Elah, mr. black comedy and my two lovely gal pals Ms. Atlanta and Ms. Nickanna Hilson-West (she's basically a gorgeous looking should be hip hop music video vixen look alike thus her inspired mix up name). The conversation veered from pets, to Megan's law and why pedophiles should be castrated to how drunk we are going to get off bottomless champagne at my upcoming birthday brunch party on Sunday. Overall a satisfactory meal physically and spiritually.
When I got back to the sales floor to see the same negative amount of customer traffic I allotted myself about 10 more breaks to make personal calls and read news stories on my phone (thank fucking god for Internet on the cell phone) as well as incessantly check facebook to see whatever dumb shit people posted throughout the day. I talked to two of my best friends from back who is always concocting crazy plans that have a 50% follow through and the other who keeps it a little bit more real with what she's planning to do and what she's actually going to do. Both of them are lovely and wonderful women I couldn't live without. BFF numero uno Miss Estrella is apparently going to be here for a week starting next tuesday. She just wrapped up her training at the Aveda school and is an incredible hair stylist. She can take chunky,skunky high lights and have you walk away looking like the next Pantene Pro-V ad model with flowing, radiant locks. She's truly gifted. She's coming out to scout SF for potential jobs and apts. But more so just to fuck around and have fun (is my guess...if she comes).
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This hair is a #1 pet peeve of looks like a BRATZ doll and screams desperation at last call. |
Besides talking to them I learned from the news that there is a bank robber in the San Diego/LA area who is known as the "old geezer" and apparently has a cult following of facebook fans and supporters. I think its pretty clear that this is not a legitimate old man but a young man wearing a very detailed mask but either way he's robbed 13 banks and doesn't seem like he's trying to quit. I also learned that some shit is going down in Egypt...and that a 4 year old climbed out her mother's flipped over truck after an accident, in the snow, hopped a fence and walked half a mile to get help. Amazing ass 4 year old.
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Here's the old fuck gettin away with all the $$ pretty sure it's just a frat boy in a hollywood worthy mask though. |
It's been a long friday night of watching tv and bullshitting with pals, the kitten and the BF (last day of not drinking cuz of antibiotics). So off to bed I go.
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