Thursday, September 1, 2011

Extension of my Mother

Today is my beloved mother's birthday, she's as beautiful as ever and still has quite the amazing youthful glow for being the parent of a 23 year old. As I was growing up I never understood why everyone was so shocked and amazed that my parents were so young. I didn't even realize how quickly my mom must have had to get her shit together, wise up and mature in order to be such an incredibly dedicated and fantastic caretaker until I was 21(the age she birthed me at)  and realized that instead of worrying about to wear on a night out out or how to cure a hangover she was wiping my ass and nose and making sure I didn't put a fork into an electrical outlet (no easy task mind you).My mom is an amazing person in many ways, she's a creative thinker, intelligent writer and speaker, a theatrical artist, a true friend, a good daughter, a wonderful wife, an adventurer, a nature nut, a smart and savvy feminist, a fashionista, a spiritual and extremely intuitive woman, a person with a great sense of humor and love of laughter she's just a ball of super spunky fun. Along with all of these enduring qualities she is a mom through and through, if it wasn't awkward and childish I would probably still call her Mommy because she always has that warm loving energy that just makes  you want to scrunch up in her lap and have your hair played with and be read fairy tales, regardless of how old you are. It seems as though it was her destiny in life to be a mother and I feel blessed that I got the great privilege to be her one and only daughter, although I have shared her throughout my life with many other children and my own friends because as I said she has that extremely powerful Universal Mom quality. Whenever girls tell me that they're "Best Friends" with their mothers I find it really odd. I just envision Regina George's mom from Mean Girls serving cocktails and trying to get the dish to stay young and hip or a really sad girl who talks about the pro's and cons of her choices over boxed wine and a batch of brownies every Saturday night and is afraid to make friends with her peers.

Can I get you guys anything? Some snacks? A condom? Let me know! Oh, God love ya. 

I mean don't get me wrong I definitely enjoy a glass of wine and a gal pal chat with my mom but I do have a social life outside of her. But my Mom is not my best friend. She is someone that I thoroughly enjoy spending my time with and I can talk to her about anything from advice on how to properly prepare chicken breast to if docuhing after sex is a good idea or not (its not in case you didn't know, the vagina is a self-cleaning organism and if yours isn't you need to make a gyno appt. stat!). I might actually be the creepier girl than those who claim to be BFF with their parent because I view myself as an extension of my mother. Her joy is my joy, her pain is my pain, I'm either following behind her on the path of life or running just a little bit ahead knowing she's right there behind me. So today I say Happy Birthday to my lovely Mom!! No matter where I am in the world she is my guiding light and I love her. And to my grammy who labored her 40 some years ago, I applaud you!! I actually applaud any woman who gave birth before 1980, shit was not all that in the pain management department prior to that I'm sure. And my Grams is of course a wonderful and amazing woman as well who I also love to bits and pieces. Now if this section didn't inspire you to hit your Mama up with a call I don't know what will! She may bug the crap out of you but she also brought you into this world and managed to put up with you for about 18 years plus, just give her a ring and say hey!

Now I'm off to snuggle in on this rainy night after having a lovely dinner over at Thinmint's prepared specially by her and hotrod. Chicken tetrazini, good conversation, R&B/ Lil Wayne pandora station and brownies does make a delightful evening. Sweeeeeeet dreams!!

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